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Keep up your Magnesium intake to make Vitamin D effective

New research shows people with insufficient Magnesium intake may not be able to use the Vitamin D they are supplementing. A study recently published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, showed that without enough Magnesium, Vitamin D could remain inactive and store in the body. Individuals who have low Magnesium levels may be more at risk for developing conditions like bone disorders and cardiovascular disease which could be related to low Vitamin D levels.

Magnesium and Vitamin D

How are Magnesium intake and vitamin D linked?

Researchers explained Magnesium is the important elemenе. It needed to allow the transformation of Vitamin D into a form usable by the body. In a two stage process which occurs in the kidneys and liver Vitamin D in converted into its biologically active form 1,25[OH]2 D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). This stage of the two stage process is dependent on Magnesium.

Also the Vitamin D binding protein activity which is responsible for transporting Vitamin D into the blood (the second stage of the two stage process) is dependent on Magnesium. Researchers concluded that there is a synergy between Vitamin D and Magnesium intake. In the study participants with optimum Magnesium levels required less supplemental Vitamin D to achieve acceptable Vitamin D levels. Additionally adequate Vitamin D levels promoted effective Magnesium absorption.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the sun

Why we need Magnesium

Yon now that Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body. In the US around 75% of the population is believed to have insufficient intakes of Magnesium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the body after Calcium, Potassium and Sodium.  60% of the Magnesium in the body is found in bones and teeth.

Magnesium deficiency often is not detected because serum Magnesium may be a poor indicator of Magnesium status since the body maintains an internal equilibrium of serum Magnesium at the expense of bone and tissue levels.  In other words circulating levels of Magnesium could remain in the normal range even though the Magnesium levels in soft tissue, bone and teeth are depleted.

Magnesium in food

What food consists of this mineral

Even foods know to be high in Magnesium like almonds, beans, broccoli, brown rice, oatmeal, etc, have shown decreases in Magnesium levels of between 25% – 80%. Magnesium levels have decreased in our food sources due to increased usage of fertilizers, pesticides and even the refining processes used to process oils and grains.

Further studies are needed to determine appropriate doses of Magnesium supplementation needed to reduce Vitamin D associated disorders. Learn also about probiotics that may promote weight loss and reduce BMI.

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