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How to get rid of acne scars

Acne is the common problem with most of the teenagers, and when it goes it leaves scars. Some acne scars are depressed, while some are rid. Nowadays, there are many treatment options available and most of which does not leave scars. However, if you are scared of such surgical method, there are many natural methods that can be tried at home. However, it is very important to visits dermatologist first because some acne is severe and can further worsen the condition. In such cases, doctors will prescribe the antibiotic because the causative agent in those cases is bacteria’s.

Below are some bulleted remedies that are helpful in getting rid of those scars:

• Use of white vinegar.
• Use of lemon juice and lemon oil.
• Use of baking soda.
• Use of aloe vera.
• Use of egg white.
• Use of gram flour.
• Use of topical creams.
• Use of bandages and other prescription drugs.
• Use of tea tree oil.

acne scars

There are many creams that are available in the market that are created by suing the natural ingredients. However, it is highly recommended using natural products other than ready-made creams because ready-made creams contain other excipients and preservative that might cause some side effects. Proper cleaning is also very significant, because if we can’t remove the pus cells, then chances are there that acne can spread to other skin areas.

Nowadays, many products are available in the market that helps a person in getting clear skin. However, it should be kept in mind that, don’t try to get rid of scars until or unless you have active scars. First avail the treatment and when you get treatment then adopt methods for clearer skin, otherwise it will further worsen the acne condition. Basically, the option you select depends on the type of acne, as scientist develop that nowadays there are three types of acne available.

In order to get rid of acne scars, two options are available:

acne face therapy

1. Medicated option: that uses some sort of medications, surgical procedures, peeling, and removal of skin and there such invasion methods.
2. None medicated methods: that does not involve surgical methods, and simply by using natural ingredients, person can get rid of those scars.

Following are some methods that remove scars by utilizing medical procedures. I am listing the most common methods recommended by dermatologists. It is better ask your dermatologists, to starts treatment of acne scars.

• Using the chemical peels that will peel out the dead skin.
• Microdermabrasion, a relatively newly technology.
• Mostly commonly, acne scar surgery that is similar to plastic surgery.
• Fillers – which are used to fill the spaces with acne scars.
• Removal of scars by using laser technology.

acne problem spaces

The methods which involve medical procedures are quite expensive and painful too. No doubt, most of them produce guaranteed results, but they are out of budget for many people. Thus, there are many treatment options available that involve cheap creams and some home remedies. Home remedies are also very helpful, but they will take time to produce an effect. Using ripped tomato is also very beneficial for acne peoples and one can apply either juice or can apply whole tomatoes as it is. The easy and simple way is to cut tomato from middle and take one half and rub it on the face and other parts having acne. After rubbing for almost fifteen minutes, rinse your face with cold water and apply any skin softener or olive oil.

Some homemade masks against acne scars

smile with face problems

Try some homemade masks to get rid of acne scars more quickly:
• Mix equal proportion of yogurt, sour cream and oatmeal together and then add lemon juice. When the desired consistency is achieved, then apply on the face and rinse it after fifteen minutes. This mask can be applied once a week.
• Rose water is also good for skin, and when mix with sandal wood powder then can serve as a good facial mask. Make a mask and apply on the face and neck, wait for it to dry then wash it with warm water.
• In the market nowadays, spray of rose water is also available, which can be sprayed on face routinely to make it glow and fresh.
• Try to adopt one method at least for two weeks and then wait for the result, no one method can produce an effect at once it requires four to five applications to produce a result. If after two, weeks no visible results are there then you can switch to another method, but it happens only in are conditions.


In the article, we offer how to get rid of acne scars, the most popular and effective methods from home. There are many ways by which one can get rid of acne scars, but one can also prevent them from occurring. Many people scratch the area of scar by using their finger nail, this practice will leave behind the ugly scar. Thus, it is better not to scratch the acne pimple otherwise theory will be scar formation.

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