

Enzyme supplements could improve digestive processes

Research suggests taking daily enzyme supplements appears to improve digestion as well as the absorption of nutrients. Why you need enzyme supplements intake every day The...

Lipoic Acid supplements may aid weight control for obese people

According to a new study daily supplementation with Lipoic Acid could help reduce body fat and body weight in overweight people who are otherwise...

Zinc and Selenium: 2 Minerals essential for healthy immunity

The normal functioning of the immune system relies on adequate nutrition, even though some nutrients are more important than others in supporting your body’s...

Micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy may reduce birth complications

According to scientists in the US, a diet which includes Iron, Folic Acid and vitamin supplementation during pregnancy may reduce birth complications. What supplementation during...

The mineral balancing act

As we all know, minerals are as important as vitamins for many bodily functions. Deficiencies in minerals are likely to lead to health issues over...

Supplements for sleep and relaxation support

There are many nutraceuticals with evidence that reinforces their use for both relaxation and sleep support. Here is a summary of the clinical data and...

Keep up your Magnesium intake to make Vitamin D effective

New research shows people with insufficient Magnesium intake may not be able to use the Vitamin D they are supplementing. A study recently published...

Probiotics may promote weight loss and reduce BMI

According to a new meta-analysis, which combined data from 25 randomized trials, consumption of a probiotic may reduce both body mass index (BMI) and...

Vitamin D may play key role in preventing macular degeneration

Most commonly known for its benefit in bone strengthening, Vitamin D is now being studied for its ability in preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD)...

For one more minute

Tami Roman weight loss: she looks like having anorexia

Basketball wives star 50-year-old Tami Roman looks thinner than earlier. Users on social media noticed her excessive thinness. However, she was never heavy, even...