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Get Hired! Tips to Get You There

“The first step towards get hired somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are”

Your resume and cover letter might be the first introduction an employer has into who you are. So it’s imperative to make sure they accurately reflect your capabilities.  It’s also important to highlight your professional skills, so an employer can quickly assess if you’re a good candidate for them.

Once you have outlined your strengths in your resume and cover letter, the next step is to sell your positive image with an excellent interview.  So make sure to bring your positive energy, a great smile, and your professional self, so you’re ready to tackle those important questions.

Here are some tips to ensure you “close the deal” on your dream job!

my tips to get hired online

Get Hired To Do List


  • Highlight your most relevant experiences
  • Use similar language in your cover letter, as the job advertisement states
  • Proofread your resume and cover letter
  • Express your strong networking and communication skills
  • Keep your resume organized and easy to read
  • Make a good impression
  • Arrive early for your interview
  • Be aware of your body language
  • Bring a list of prepared questions

Get Hired Not to Do List


  • Makeup information about yourself
  • Talk about your personal life; stick to your work experience
  • Bash previous employers; remember, it’s a small world after all
  • Forget to bring a copy of your resume and cover letter, even if previously sent
  • Include anything confidential
  • Forgot to spellcheck
  • Address salary and benefits unless the interviewer does
  • Be late

Where to look for vacancies?

vacancies to get hired in america

  • The Internet is by far the most interesting and effective way to find a job. Look for jobs on the websites of the companies you are interested in or on the web portals for employment. Post your resume there.
  • Register with the employment service and track new vacancies. Submit your resume to the database, you can get in touch with any of the companies that are looking for new employees.
  • Attend job fairs. They are aimed at young people, as young, responsible and enterprising people work at such fairs.
  • You can also use the services of an employment agency.

Be focused….. Relevant….Prepared…..Be happy…..

Feel accomplished….

And get hired, so you can enter into the amazing world of Esthetics!!

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