HomeBeauty3 Stretches to Prevent Back to Work Back Pain

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3 Stretches to Prevent Back to Work Back Pain

Getting back into your regular routine this fall can be a strenuous transition if you’ve been enjoying the outdoors and being active this summer! Long days sitting behind the desk can cause back pain or worsen an already existing problem.

This seated posture puts an increased amount of pressure on the vertebral column, and after extended periods; our natural tendency is to slouch or assume an incorrect seated posture.

Always try to stand or get up when possible to counteract the effects of sitting; but if you are experiencing back pain, here are stretches that can help alleviate and prevent these conditions.

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Begin by lying on your stomach with your elbows underneath you and palms flat down. While keeping your hips in contact with the ground, lift the upper torso onto the elbows and hold for 15 seconds, allowing the back muscles to relax. Next, fully extend onto the hands and hold for 30 seconds. Perform 3-5 repetitions.

Knee-to-Chest to avoid Back Pain

knee to chest stretch excercise

Begin by lying on your back with the legs extended. Bring one knee up towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds; you should feel a stretch in the lower back/glutes. Repeat on the opposite side and perform 3-5 repetitions. If it is more comfortable, you can bring both knees towards your chest at once.

Child’s Pose

yoga and child's pose

Begin with your palms and knees flat on the ground, sitting back so your glutes are resting on your heels. Slowly reach your hands forward to lengthen your spine, and you should feel a stretch in the mid-back. You can also reach your hands to either side of the body to focus the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and perform 3-5 repetitions.

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