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Herbal blend may help manage menopausal symptoms

According to a new study of a herbal blend, a combination of 4 herbals extracts, Soy Isolflavones, Black Cohosh, Chasteberry and Evening Primrose Oil, may significantly reduce sweating and hot flashes as well as enhance mood and improve sleep.

Study of herbal blend details

Over 100 post menopausal women between the ages of 45 and 60 participated in this randomized controlled trial. The participants were randomly assigned to receive 100 mg of Soy Isolflavones, 520 mg of Black Cohosh, 400 mg of Chasteberry, and 500 mg of Evening Primrose Oil or a placebo daily.

herbal blend

The study of herval blend lasted 12 weeks. The MRS (Menopause Rating Scale) quality of life questionnaire was used as a measure by physicians to determine the effectiveness of the supplements on menopausal symptoms. By the way, Melatonin can help with sleep.

At the onset of the study, 23 women with severe hot flashes and sweating were included in the supplement group and 24 women with severe hot flashes and sweating were included in the placebo group.  After the 12 weeks, the number of the women in the supplement group with severe hot flashes had dropped to 3 while the number of women in the placebo was 22.

Severe sleep problems also improved in participants in the supplement group falling from 22 to just 6 at study end.

The placebo group saw a reduction in sever sleep problems from 23 at the onset of the study to 19 at study end.

herbals blend


Additionally LDL cholesterol levels decreased significant in the supplement group dropping from an average of 21.4 mg/dl compared with an average decline of .4 mg/dl in the placebo group. Triglyceride levels also fell by an average of 12 mg/dl in the supplement group compared to a reduction of less than 2 mg/dl in the placebo group. No significant changes were observed in hormonal levels. Further studies are called for. Read also about useful nutrients for health.

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