HomeGossipDoja Cat weight loss: how she got such incredible results

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Doja Cat weight loss: how she got such incredible results

Doja Cat appeared in a daring translucent dress at the 2022 Grammys. A thigh-high slit revealed slender, toned legs that became a hit in the media. But audience noted not only an athletic body, but also an amazing Doja Cat weight loss. When we wrote about Doja Cat a few months ago, she didn’t look so skinny. The singer and rapper revealed the secret of her weight loss in an interview. Let’s find out, maybe it will be useful to someone:)

Doja Cat after weight loss

Doja Cat weight loss: how it happened

Just a couple of years ago the Doja Cat called everyone to body positivity. She proclaimed love for the body with all its shortcomings: cellulite, stretch marks, bumps, extra pounds. Remember the song “Juicy” in which the rapper proclaimed her love of food and acceptance of her cellulite.

Doja before weight loss


At the time the singer said that she keeps her body in shape with a diet that includes lobsters, high-calorie salad, and a lot of chocolate cookies.

Doja Cat before weight loss

Despite the singer proclaimed body positivity, she suffered from dysmorphia. Turns out she always felt “big” and was never happy in her own body. Finally the singer came to healthy diet and her body volumes began to melt.


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Her practice of weight loss began in 2019 and still going on. Today she is almost close to accepting herself, but she still doesn’t feel like she got the ideal drawn by her imagination. At the same time Tyra Banks is feeling great after gaining weight and enjoying those extra pounds. But obviously the Doja Cat is too far from harmony with itself.

Tap Diva on the stage

What diet did Doja Cat keep on?

Doja Cat tells fans all details of her personal life. This helped them learn the secret of her miracle diet. Dolja Kat in her social media usually tells what she eats and how she trains. One day she did a tour of her fridge where she showed the contents. There were found tuna fish, wine and vitamins in injections. But it was two years ago and since then her diet has changed.

Doja Cat on red carpet

Rap diva allows herself fast food rarer and chooses soup with broccoli in a restaurant oftener. But she still loves seafood most of all. Once she ordered a whole set of octopuses, crabs and giant prawns costs more than 400$ at a restaurant.

Doja in a black gown

The singer likes to go to restaurants, but she also loves cooking. She often shared with subscribers on her social media a video of her cooking. During the lockdown pandemic Doja Cat cooked seafood dishes, salads and soups at home. And how did Doja Cat lose weight after that, that’s the question. For example, Camila Cabello gained a lot of weight in quarantine.

The secret of Doja Cat is her love to healthy and clean food. She likes seafood, vegetables, fruit and raw cereals than contains a lot of vitamins and less calories. Also she counts the amount of fat and sugar in her food so she never overeats.

Doja photo

Doja Cat weight loss: the training is important

Doja Cat has lost almost 40 ponds since 2019. Regular exercises helped her except her diet. A sport is another Doja Cat weight loss rule. The singer goes to the gym with friends where she performs strength exercises on the upper and lower body. The rapper complains that her arms are difficult to grow, but her lower part responds well to workouts with weights. On Instagram Doja Cat posts her workouts so fans can see their idol training hard.

Doja Cat after weight loss

Obviously, Doja Cat seriously decided to make her body ideal. This summer her fans were worried because rap diva has lost a lot of weight. Many even said that she underwent surgery to reduce the amount of fat. Of coarse this is not true because the rap diva is working hard on herself training the will.

Doja Cat weight loss is the process of fighting dysmorphia. We hope that the singer will be able to stop in time.

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